Difference Between Isolated TV Sockets and Non-Isolated Ones.Which One Should You Choose

Have you ever been puzzled by isolated tv sockets and non-isolated tv sockets when processing the house’s electric wiring? Now here comes a detailed article describing what they are and where they have been used.

What’s the difference between isolated and non-isolated sockets?

Isolated Socket: An isolated TV socket is designed to prevent electrical interference or “noise” that can be caused by other devices or appliances in your home. This can improve the picture and sound quality of your TV. Isolated TV sockets are often recommended for homes with a lot of electrical equipment or appliances, as they can help reduce interference.  The MK catalog describes the isolated version as it provides safety isolation rated at 2000Va.c. between aerial lead and socket.

Non-Isolated Socket: A non-isolated TV socket, on the other hand, does not have this protection against electrical interference. It can still function well in areas with less electrical equipment or interference.

There is no obvious distinction between these two as you can see from many online store pictures.

isolated tv socket

non-isolated tv socket

In summary, the main difference between isolated and non-isolated TV sockets is that the former is designed to minimize electrical interference, while the latter is not.

Where can they be applied to?

Isolated TV sockets are commonly used in environments where there is a lot of electrical equipment or appliances that can cause electrical interference, such as in residential and commercial buildings.

In residential settings, isolated TV sockets are often recommended in homes with multiple electronic devices, as they can help prevent interference and improve the quality of the TV signal. Isolated TV sockets may also be used in buildings that have a lot of electrical equipment, such as hospitals or research facilities.

Additionally, isolated TV sockets may be used in areas with poor signal quality, such as remote or rural locations, as they can help to improve the TV signal and reduce interference from other sources.

Check the isolated socket from our store.